Terms & Conditions
We, Evolve Now Limited, provide articles, presentations, primers and blogs (the “materials”) on this website. Access to these materials is provided on the basis of the terms of use set out below. Please read these terms of use carefully before accessing the materials.
Intellectual property rights
All copyright, trade marks and other intellectual property in or arising out of the materials vest solely in us. Reproduction of use of the materials (in part or whole) is only permitted in accordance with the following terms:
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You may only supply a copy of any materials to a third party for their personal use provided that:
- you acknowledge that the Evolve Now website is the source of the materials and you include the Evolve Now web address in the copy of the materials;
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- you do not supply a copy of the materials as part of another work or publication;
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If you wish to reproduce materials outside the scope of this licence you must contact us to request our prior written consent, which shall be at our sole and absolute discretion.
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You must not use the materials for any illegal purpose or in such a manner that would bring us or our business into disrepute.
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The materials are provided for general purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice.
Although we try to ensure that the materials are accurate and up-to-date, we give no warranties of any kind, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of their content.
This website contains links to other websites and to website content on such other websites. These links are provided for convenience only, and do not imply affiliation with or endorsement by us. We do not monitor or maintain these linked websites. We are not responsible for the operation of, or for website content on, any such other website, or for the operation of, or for website content on, any site through which you may have gained access to our site. Please read all copyright and legal notices on each linked website before downloading or printing items to ensure that you are permitted to do so under the third party website’s copyright notices, legal notices or terms of use.
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Governing Law
These terms of use shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England.